I see the well - known "Illegal Ring Member" Mr Howard Hope has instructed his "Creatures" or should that be puppets to infiltrate the Talking Machine Forum and promote his new "Trading Site"
a very odd "Moderated Trading Platform" - Recognise the pompous, Verbose Howard Hope Style ? recognise the strange Black/Gilt pedestal with repro bracket they use as the logo on the site - it's HH's !
It is supposed to be run by Swiss/German Collectors but whilst anyone joining has to put their FULL personal details the people behind the site remain "Unknown Superiors"
Are they the Perverts and Fraudsters of the CLPGS ?
or Just the "Illegal Ring Members" Howard Hope , Dave Smith, Mike and Tony Jones ? with the usual help from Christie's DIrector Christopher Proudfoot
Auxetophile, Sidewinder,Valecnik and Gramophone 78 on the TMF are those very Puppets and any "Contributions" they make are to be taken "Cum Grano Salis"
ASK them who they are by sending them an E.Mail to :
"Phonotrader .Com"
Could it be that he has put "Bankrupt Agro - chemical salesman and Crapophone maker Mike Child in charge ? next time you see him trying to sell utter junk (at high prices) at Portobello road market - ask him !
Monday, 22 November 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
The Colonel is sad to report the recent Death of respected Gramophone Enthusiast Barry Williamson who for many many years gave advice and supplied parts to Collectors worldwide.
Barry HATED the CLPGS and it's corrupt (Chris Hamilton - Fraudster) and perverted (Len Watts Child Molester) members and had very little to do with any of them
BUT will they be at his funeral ?
YES !!!!!
The Crooked Heriarchy including Howard Hope (Ring member and Gay Club Visitor) Dave Smith (Ring Member and Wig Wearer) Mike jones (Yeti) Christopher Proudfoot (Christies Director and Marathon Soundbox Lookalike) will all be there
BUT they will have to fight the Notorious Brian "Bentley/Rolls Royce Portable" Chesters for Barry's collection of machines, and let us not forget Valuable Ephemera collection
Were will "The Ring" appear next ...........................Roger Thorne's perhaps ?
Barry HATED the CLPGS and it's corrupt (Chris Hamilton - Fraudster) and perverted (Len Watts Child Molester) members and had very little to do with any of them
BUT will they be at his funeral ?
YES !!!!!
The Crooked Heriarchy including Howard Hope (Ring member and Gay Club Visitor) Dave Smith (Ring Member and Wig Wearer) Mike jones (Yeti) Christopher Proudfoot (Christies Director and Marathon Soundbox Lookalike) will all be there
BUT they will have to fight the Notorious Brian "Bentley/Rolls Royce Portable" Chesters for Barry's collection of machines, and let us not forget Valuable Ephemera collection
Were will "The Ring" appear next ...........................Roger Thorne's perhaps ?
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Apparently the Offensive "Red Faced Old Waxwork " Mr Howard Hope has oddly been contacting collectors trying to convince them that the Talkophone is "Completely Genuine"
It seems that he has rung "Tim Fabrizio" in America who has said that there are :
"No Such things as Made - up Talkophones"
Despite the FACT that on His Forum - The "Talking Machine Forum" the definative account of the history of the Ohio firm had been posted !
AND the fact that in the 60's a Barn was discovered containing all sorts of Talkophone spares including complete cases with motors that HADN'T been fitted with tonearms - as there were all sorts of such parts lying about the finder of this haul just "Made them up" thus American (and indeed Australian) collectors - referred to by Mr Hope as "Gullible" are very wary indeed of Talkophones thus any GENUINE ones are very valuable indeed
Mr Hope bought his Talkophone in conjunction with Brian Oakley AKA the "Bournemouth Mole" when they bought a collection together
It seems that he has rung "Tim Fabrizio" in America who has said that there are :
"No Such things as Made - up Talkophones"
Despite the FACT that on His Forum - The "Talking Machine Forum" the definative account of the history of the Ohio firm had been posted !
AND the fact that in the 60's a Barn was discovered containing all sorts of Talkophone spares including complete cases with motors that HADN'T been fitted with tonearms - as there were all sorts of such parts lying about the finder of this haul just "Made them up" thus American (and indeed Australian) collectors - referred to by Mr Hope as "Gullible" are very wary indeed of Talkophones thus any GENUINE ones are very valuable indeed
Mr Hope bought his Talkophone in conjunction with Brian Oakley AKA the "Bournemouth Mole" when they bought a collection together
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Corruption In The CLPGS
Dear Reader,
Many years ago I decided that, being interested in Gramophones and early recordings i would join a Gramophone Club - the obvious seemed the oldest - the City of London Gramophone and Phonograph Society (at that time NOT a charity) it seemed most likely to have the most information on that subject
HOW mistaken I was - when the magazine arrived it was on bog paper with few pictures apart from elderly men sitting listening to boring lectures - pictures that were to appear year after year until this very day .
I decided to be pro - active and sent in loads of pictures of gramophones and interesting articles and copies of original catalogues .....................AND not one was ever published nor was there are indication that ANYONE was interested at all !
THEN one year the Mag "The Hillandale News" didn't arrive so I rang the Treasurer/Magazine Editor Chris Hamilton (someone you will read more of soon) and said :
"I haven't received my Mag this time - where is it ?"
"I haven't received Yer Cheque Laddie (He's a Scotchman ) Send another "
So I did - and a month went by and NO MAG , so i rang again
"Err, remember me Mr Hamilton ........I called about my no resipt of Mag and you suggested sending another cheque - I still haven't got the mag can you tell me what's happening please
"I haven't got it Laddie .....Send another and Make it out to Chirs Hamilton "
Most reluctantly I did and another month went by and still nothing happened
So i rang again and said what I had done before
"Ahh , Laddie send me another - the others must have gone astray "
So I did and this time the Mag arrived - but a little while later whilst checking my statement si found that ALL the cheques had been cashed not only the ones to the CLPGS but the ones made out to HIM PERSONALLY
I wrote and rang to no avail then one day the mag arrived and inside was printed a letter from a chap called Steve Miller entitled "Whither CLPGS" making in very moderate tones a case for change in the Society and in particular in the nature of the articles printed in the Magazine - ALL of which I agreed with and in fact rather modest in my opinion .
This caused several people to write in and agree with him - no doubt much to his (and particularly my) surprise ! .......Chris Hamilton then "resigned" and was replaced but there was little change and i due to "Real Life" forgot about the cheques
Years Later (still a member) There appeared an article by "Philip Booth " about HMV Machines with Saxophone Horns (with additional notes by Howard Hope) in the next issue Christopher Proudfoot made a great many offensive comments under the title "Poor Mr Booth" saying how mistaken and mislead Mr Booth had been and causing more letter Pro and particularly Anti Mr Booth in subsequent issues
The Fact was that the "errors" were in Howard Hope's "additional Comments" NOT Mr booth's article but due to the Politics in the Society he couldn't say that !
I was horrified and didn't renew my subscription and neither did many others
Anecdote : The Late Ruth Lambert was outraged once at a Phonofair when Christopher Proudfoot, who had noticed that she had made a large profit on something bought at a Big Fair siad : "It's outrageous - it's about academic knowledge not about making money "- she said : Who is HE kidding ? HE works for Christie's SO HE's doing it for the money as well !
It should be pointed out that Alan Bennett called Christie's and Sotheby's "Barrow Boys " in his Talking Heads monologue : " The Hand Of God"
I then in 2004 attended the "Don Watson Sale " at Leominster and for the first time saw Howard hope, Dave Smith, Mike Jones and his son Tony. (henceforth known as The Ring) Howard Hope actually pointed to Mike jones and said :
"The Ring's Here"
I asked Howard Hope is there was anything he particularly wanted and he said :
"well actually only this boring Victrola " pointing to a "Pooley Victrola" I said
"Oh You mean the Pooley Victrola " much to the astonishment of Mr Hope !
He replied :
" Oh I thought only Christopher (proudfoot)and Richard taylor (apart from myself)knew what this was "
Two ton Taylor from Telford !(the simpering man next to him is actually his lunch !)
I had gone up in his estimation BUT i wasn't going to let him have it cheap and indeed to be seen participating in a "Ring" so i went and left a £200 Bid (i have to admit that I didn't know what it was worth )
He bought it for £220 and was later offering it for £2000 -(a typical HH Profit margin ?) He sold it to some Yank for near that amount
Items were very very cheap and I bought a great deal, but not as much as the "Ring" and a chap in a Wheelchair (I found out later he was a Ring Friend Neil Gerty )
It must be said that I noted down all the ACTUAL bids at the sale - BUT in Christopher Proudfoot's report on the sale all the lots bought by The Ring were reported as making considerably more than they did but any lot bought by me or others seemed to make very little (as indeed some did But not THAT little) are ALL his Auction reports fiddled in favour of the Ring ?
I met Howard Hope a few weeks later to see if he had anything i would want to buy and amidst the constant flow of anecdotes and malicious gossip about (mainly ) his friends in the "Trade" such as :
"Mike & June Child are decent peoplehave been in the business 30 years and haven't learnt anything - they're called Child but they can't have children - how Ironic " (it must be said that Mike Child is also a major Gossip and has told me that a "Leading Dealer" was seen in a Brighton Gay Club ! )
Mike Jones (fellow Ring Member) is so thick he can't count how many fingers he has on one hand - we've been short - changing him in the ring shareout for years "
"american collectors are so trusting, so innocent and so so stupid - i've sold all sorts of Crap to them "
"Neil Gerty - Dirty Gerty I call him "
"Richard Taylor hasn't sold a phonograph yet that worked properly
"Mike Field .............He's past it and incompetant .........He shouldn't be let near any decent machine repairs
" I have nothing but contempt for CLPGS members - they should be identified with Yellow Anoraks "
all accompanied by strange laughter ......................
he then told me about Chris Hamilton :
"Ah yes Chris Hamilton ..........."Well he was caught with his hands in the Till, so Richard Taylor looked up the rules and found that we couldn't sack him as Editor but we could take the chequebook and bank accounts away from him, so we did and so he printed the letter from Steve Miller then " resigned" - we had a lot of Trouble From Scottish members about this as Chris Hamilton had been going about telling people he had been removed as "The Board " wanted a "Southerner" in charge " but we weathered the storm and made major changes !
He continued :
"We then found out that he had had his hands in the till at the local Kirk as well so that was that
I was horrified - Howard Hope - a Director had admitted that the Directors had discovered a FRAUD then COVERED it UP
I said : "wasn't Stephen Gadd (Solicitor) Company Secretary suspicious that the Accounts were dodgy ?"
Howard Hope Replied : " No no, he's a decent chap and he "understood" that we had to do what we had to do "
I at tthe Next NVCF event Bumped into Mike Field, the elderly respected but frail CLPGS Board Member and asked him about this and he just waved me away saying :
"We don't talk about that -i'm not interested"
he wasn't pleased when I pointed out that as a Director he was LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE and that he had with the other Directors "Perverted the Course of Justice"
He ignored me as did Richard Taylor when I mentioned it to him at the Clearnace of John Winsors "collection" all he said was "Howard should keep his big mouth shut"
THEN in 2008 The American Gramophone Forum collapsed and Steve Miller asked me if I would care to contribute to a UK board - I agreed but didn't know what to do as all I had ever done on the internet was to buy on Ebay ..............
in an early post I posed the Question :
"It is 13 years now since the "Wither CLPGS " letter was published, has anything changed "
Christopher Proudfoot immediately resigned as a member of the Forum as :
"He couldn't be a member of a board that criticised the Society " (a sign of things to come !)
The board went well and gathered together a diverse and interesting group of Characters with interesting and individual opinions- so unlike the failing , Corrupt CLPGS with it's fixation with "Screwthreads for HMV 101 portables " and the Boring and much repeated "record Matrix Numbers " by the cretinous Frank Andrews
BUT the Society was Outraged that they COULDN'T control the discussion - and fearful that all the crooked activies would be exposed !
They initially complained vociferously to the Admin Steve, particularly after i wrote about my "Three Cheques" Howard Hope then wrote unpleasant letters to me
then The Admin recieved an automated phone call :
"If you want your private business broadcast on the internet then carry on "
This was traced to Howard Hope and the Admin began assembling a "Dossier" on the activities of Howard Hope including how he had intimidated him at an auction and Extorted Money from him for NOT bidding on an Item - a pair of Radio Dancers
Mike Child (Soundgen on Ebay and the joint Maker/salesman of the first Crapophones - more of which later) told me that Howard Hope had appeared at his stall at Portobello Road Market and :
"was purple in the face, waving his arms about with his neck going back and forward like a demented Turkey"
I thought this hilarious ! so I wrote more and made some amusing Videos for U - Tube - he was even more outraged !
He put my personal details on his website - thus as one dealer said:
" making himself look a complete Pr*ck - doesn't he realise that he's putting people off buying from him ? "
He didn't, especially when he realised that the collectors on the Forum were comparing notes and realising that they had not only been ripped off but also told all sorts of rubbish by Howard Hope and others - also others who had been defrauded by Chris Hamilton got in touch with me and I found I wasn't alone !
By this time the first forum had been closed by the CLPGS complaints and the Admin didn't want to set up another so a friend of mine did with 4 Moderators - he didn't want any hassle so he did so under a psuedonym - sadly it was infiltrated by Howard Hope and the CLPGS who as " Rev'd Boggis, Sewngram, Barrowed, Sheep 1903 and others caused Great offence and upset to decent collectors.
THEN can along a "Talkophone" and Howard was exposed as talking a lot of Crap and that he seemed to know nothing about Gramophones at all ! (something he accused Mike Child of )
He attacked a friend of mine at Kempton park race Course then rang MY ELDERLY PARENTS bullying and upsetting them BUT mentioning that "A Director of Christie's was "involved" .......How was (presumably) Christopher Proudfoot involved Howard - are you saying he Helped "The Ring" ?
WHY ? because I bought from Dave Smith - better known for his shop In Hendon - a load of catalogues- i noticed in one, a catalogue for "The Lost Street Museum" a Christie's sale in 1997 that there were some odd notes inside - these notes PROVED the existance of "The Ring" and the fact that Dave Smith didn't trust them to pay him his share !
A Collector who attended the CLPGS Auction also reported that Howard Hope had sidled up to him and said " we've agreed that The Laquer 192 is RESERVED for Brian Oakley " (AKA the Bournemouth Mole) and indeed he was the winning bidder at £200 - it was noted that Christopher Proudfoot brought the hammer down particularly sharply ! Many people commented when the Auction was reportted int he magazine that the 192 was unusually cheap - NOW they know why !
Howard Hope and the Corrupt CLPGS ordered Puppet Collectors in America to Complain to Proboards and they shut it !
they then wrote to me saying that the three cheques I sent to Chris Hamilton were "an Administrative Error"
Recently - before the AGM you note, they have had U - Tube remove my videos relating to them and their CRIMINAL corruption ! then they Praise Howard Hope (in their sad Mag ) for his "Courage" in illegally naming me !
BUT I shall soon have a Website up and running they will NEVER close
I call apon the members of the CLPGS to VOTE out the CROOKED Directors and ask about the sense of having people who cover up Criminal Activity on the Board of a charity
And what is the relationship between Christopher Proudfoot and "The Illegal Gramophone Ring" ?
He must have known they were operating in HIS sales ?
Is he part of it ? Can you imagine the Headlines in the Antiques Trade Gazette ?
"Christie's Director Aids Gramophone Ring "
Howard Hope is a Lying, Cheating , Bully and unpleasant , slippery and pretentious - If you believe in Free Speech and decency in collecting then contact him through his Website and if you think the CLPGS is corrupt and Criminal then contact hem through their "open Forum " on their website and ask why they COVER UP FRAUD ?
Howard hope has for YEARS Bullied and Intimidated people who are NOW going to speak out !
Here is the "Phono fuhrer" with a typically Crap machine ! The "Gold fittings" are in fact "Airfix Gold no 3" and the Carrying handle is from a 1950's Dansette - Neither fact he has spotted !
Should have gone to Specsavers Howard !
(I should say that this one one of the many Pictures of himself that he misguidedly puts on his otherwise unchanging website)
Cruel people have said the chap in the photo resembles "Thames Ditton Man" and maybe the "Missing Link" - what do you think ?
Many years ago I decided that, being interested in Gramophones and early recordings i would join a Gramophone Club - the obvious seemed the oldest - the City of London Gramophone and Phonograph Society (at that time NOT a charity) it seemed most likely to have the most information on that subject
CLPGS members then...................
and now .................Spot the difference ?
HOW mistaken I was - when the magazine arrived it was on bog paper with few pictures apart from elderly men sitting listening to boring lectures - pictures that were to appear year after year until this very day .
I decided to be pro - active and sent in loads of pictures of gramophones and interesting articles and copies of original catalogues .....................AND not one was ever published nor was there are indication that ANYONE was interested at all !
THEN one year the Mag "The Hillandale News" didn't arrive so I rang the Treasurer/Magazine Editor Chris Hamilton (someone you will read more of soon) and said :
"I haven't received my Mag this time - where is it ?"
"I haven't received Yer Cheque Laddie (He's a Scotchman ) Send another "
So I did - and a month went by and NO MAG , so i rang again
"Err, remember me Mr Hamilton ........I called about my no resipt of Mag and you suggested sending another cheque - I still haven't got the mag can you tell me what's happening please
"I haven't got it Laddie .....Send another and Make it out to Chirs Hamilton "
Most reluctantly I did and another month went by and still nothing happened
So i rang again and said what I had done before
"Ahh , Laddie send me another - the others must have gone astray "
So I did and this time the Mag arrived - but a little while later whilst checking my statement si found that ALL the cheques had been cashed not only the ones to the CLPGS but the ones made out to HIM PERSONALLY
I wrote and rang to no avail then one day the mag arrived and inside was printed a letter from a chap called Steve Miller entitled "Whither CLPGS" making in very moderate tones a case for change in the Society and in particular in the nature of the articles printed in the Magazine - ALL of which I agreed with and in fact rather modest in my opinion .
This caused several people to write in and agree with him - no doubt much to his (and particularly my) surprise ! .......Chris Hamilton then "resigned" and was replaced but there was little change and i due to "Real Life" forgot about the cheques
Years Later (still a member) There appeared an article by "Philip Booth " about HMV Machines with Saxophone Horns (with additional notes by Howard Hope) in the next issue Christopher Proudfoot made a great many offensive comments under the title "Poor Mr Booth" saying how mistaken and mislead Mr Booth had been and causing more letter Pro and particularly Anti Mr Booth in subsequent issues
(Christopher Proudfoot - Going, Going, Gone From Christie's just after "crushing" "Poor Mr Booth" ? )
The Fact was that the "errors" were in Howard Hope's "additional Comments" NOT Mr booth's article but due to the Politics in the Society he couldn't say that !
I was horrified and didn't renew my subscription and neither did many others
Anecdote : The Late Ruth Lambert was outraged once at a Phonofair when Christopher Proudfoot, who had noticed that she had made a large profit on something bought at a Big Fair siad : "It's outrageous - it's about academic knowledge not about making money "- she said : Who is HE kidding ? HE works for Christie's SO HE's doing it for the money as well !
It should be pointed out that Alan Bennett called Christie's and Sotheby's "Barrow Boys " in his Talking Heads monologue : " The Hand Of God"
The late Ruth Lambert with the "Elephant Man" (CLPGS member) at a phonofair
I then in 2004 attended the "Don Watson Sale " at Leominster and for the first time saw Howard hope, Dave Smith, Mike Jones and his son Tony. (henceforth known as The Ring) Howard Hope actually pointed to Mike jones and said :
"The Ring's Here"
A rare sighting of Mike jones looking for EMG's in the "Wild"
I asked Howard Hope is there was anything he particularly wanted and he said :
"well actually only this boring Victrola " pointing to a "Pooley Victrola" I said
"Oh You mean the Pooley Victrola " much to the astonishment of Mr Hope !
He replied :
" Oh I thought only Christopher (proudfoot)and Richard taylor (apart from myself)knew what this was "
Two ton Taylor from Telford !(the simpering man next to him is actually his lunch !)
One man and His dog - he's sold Lots of "Dogs" not only the Talkophone !
I had gone up in his estimation BUT i wasn't going to let him have it cheap and indeed to be seen participating in a "Ring" so i went and left a £200 Bid (i have to admit that I didn't know what it was worth )
He bought it for £220 and was later offering it for £2000 -(a typical HH Profit margin ?) He sold it to some Yank for near that amount
Items were very very cheap and I bought a great deal, but not as much as the "Ring" and a chap in a Wheelchair (I found out later he was a Ring Friend Neil Gerty )
It must be said that I noted down all the ACTUAL bids at the sale - BUT in Christopher Proudfoot's report on the sale all the lots bought by The Ring were reported as making considerably more than they did but any lot bought by me or others seemed to make very little (as indeed some did But not THAT little) are ALL his Auction reports fiddled in favour of the Ring ?
I met Howard Hope a few weeks later to see if he had anything i would want to buy and amidst the constant flow of anecdotes and malicious gossip about (mainly ) his friends in the "Trade" such as :
"Mike & June Child are decent peoplehave been in the business 30 years and haven't learnt anything - they're called Child but they can't have children - how Ironic " (it must be said that Mike Child is also a major Gossip and has told me that a "Leading Dealer" was seen in a Brighton Gay Club ! )
Mike & June only make ends meet with an allotment in Bedford Town Centre
Mike Jones (fellow Ring Member) is so thick he can't count how many fingers he has on one hand - we've been short - changing him in the ring shareout for years "
"american collectors are so trusting, so innocent and so so stupid - i've sold all sorts of Crap to them "
"Neil Gerty - Dirty Gerty I call him "
"Richard Taylor hasn't sold a phonograph yet that worked properly
"Mike Field .............He's past it and incompetant .........He shouldn't be let near any decent machine repairs
" I have nothing but contempt for CLPGS members - they should be identified with Yellow Anoraks "
all accompanied by strange laughter ......................
HH - Immitating a monkey looking for a tree - or "The Colonel's is THIS big ?
he then told me about Chris Hamilton :
"Ah yes Chris Hamilton ..........."Well he was caught with his hands in the Till, so Richard Taylor looked up the rules and found that we couldn't sack him as Editor but we could take the chequebook and bank accounts away from him, so we did and so he printed the letter from Steve Miller then " resigned" - we had a lot of Trouble From Scottish members about this as Chris Hamilton had been going about telling people he had been removed as "The Board " wanted a "Southerner" in charge " but we weathered the storm and made major changes !
He continued :
"We then found out that he had had his hands in the till at the local Kirk as well so that was that
I was horrified - Howard Hope - a Director had admitted that the Directors had discovered a FRAUD then COVERED it UP
I said : "wasn't Stephen Gadd (Solicitor) Company Secretary suspicious that the Accounts were dodgy ?"
Howard Hope Replied : " No no, he's a decent chap and he "understood" that we had to do what we had to do "
I at tthe Next NVCF event Bumped into Mike Field, the elderly respected but frail CLPGS Board Member and asked him about this and he just waved me away saying :
"We don't talk about that -i'm not interested"
he wasn't pleased when I pointed out that as a Director he was LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE and that he had with the other Directors "Perverted the Course of Justice"
He ignored me as did Richard Taylor when I mentioned it to him at the Clearnace of John Winsors "collection" all he said was "Howard should keep his big mouth shut"
THEN in 2008 The American Gramophone Forum collapsed and Steve Miller asked me if I would care to contribute to a UK board - I agreed but didn't know what to do as all I had ever done on the internet was to buy on Ebay ..............
in an early post I posed the Question :
"It is 13 years now since the "Wither CLPGS " letter was published, has anything changed "
Christopher Proudfoot immediately resigned as a member of the Forum as :
"He couldn't be a member of a board that criticised the Society " (a sign of things to come !)
The board went well and gathered together a diverse and interesting group of Characters with interesting and individual opinions- so unlike the failing , Corrupt CLPGS with it's fixation with "Screwthreads for HMV 101 portables " and the Boring and much repeated "record Matrix Numbers " by the cretinous Frank Andrews
Frank Andrews, said to be the model for the "Orcs" in the "Lord of the Rings" Films
BUT the Society was Outraged that they COULDN'T control the discussion - and fearful that all the crooked activies would be exposed !
They initially complained vociferously to the Admin Steve, particularly after i wrote about my "Three Cheques" Howard Hope then wrote unpleasant letters to me
then The Admin recieved an automated phone call :
"If you want your private business broadcast on the internet then carry on "
This was traced to Howard Hope and the Admin began assembling a "Dossier" on the activities of Howard Hope including how he had intimidated him at an auction and Extorted Money from him for NOT bidding on an Item - a pair of Radio Dancers
Mike Child (Soundgen on Ebay and the joint Maker/salesman of the first Crapophones - more of which later) told me that Howard Hope had appeared at his stall at Portobello Road Market and :
"was purple in the face, waving his arms about with his neck going back and forward like a demented Turkey"
I thought this hilarious ! so I wrote more and made some amusing Videos for U - Tube - he was even more outraged !
A "Mike Child/Maggie Snell" Crapophone C 1985 often Fraudulently sold as "Heavily restored"
THEN HE GOT NASTY He put my personal details on his website - thus as one dealer said:
" making himself look a complete Pr*ck - doesn't he realise that he's putting people off buying from him ? "
He didn't, especially when he realised that the collectors on the Forum were comparing notes and realising that they had not only been ripped off but also told all sorts of rubbish by Howard Hope and others - also others who had been defrauded by Chris Hamilton got in touch with me and I found I wasn't alone !
By this time the first forum had been closed by the CLPGS complaints and the Admin didn't want to set up another so a friend of mine did with 4 Moderators - he didn't want any hassle so he did so under a psuedonym - sadly it was infiltrated by Howard Hope and the CLPGS who as " Rev'd Boggis, Sewngram, Barrowed, Sheep 1903 and others caused Great offence and upset to decent collectors.
THEN can along a "Talkophone" and Howard was exposed as talking a lot of Crap and that he seemed to know nothing about Gramophones at all ! (something he accused Mike Child of )
He attacked a friend of mine at Kempton park race Course then rang MY ELDERLY PARENTS bullying and upsetting them BUT mentioning that "A Director of Christie's was "involved" .......How was (presumably) Christopher Proudfoot involved Howard - are you saying he Helped "The Ring" ?
WHY ? because I bought from Dave Smith - better known for his shop In Hendon - a load of catalogues- i noticed in one, a catalogue for "The Lost Street Museum" a Christie's sale in 1997 that there were some odd notes inside - these notes PROVED the existance of "The Ring" and the fact that Dave Smith didn't trust them to pay him his share !
A Collector who attended the CLPGS Auction also reported that Howard Hope had sidled up to him and said " we've agreed that The Laquer 192 is RESERVED for Brian Oakley " (AKA the Bournemouth Mole) and indeed he was the winning bidder at £200 - it was noted that Christopher Proudfoot brought the hammer down particularly sharply ! Many people commented when the Auction was reportted int he magazine that the 192 was unusually cheap - NOW they know why !
(The Mole seen at the Auction Gloating about the £200 Laquer 192)
Howard Hope and the Corrupt CLPGS ordered Puppet Collectors in America to Complain to Proboards and they shut it !
they then wrote to me saying that the three cheques I sent to Chris Hamilton were "an Administrative Error"
Recently - before the AGM you note, they have had U - Tube remove my videos relating to them and their CRIMINAL corruption ! then they Praise Howard Hope (in their sad Mag ) for his "Courage" in illegally naming me !
BUT I shall soon have a Website up and running they will NEVER close
I call apon the members of the CLPGS to VOTE out the CROOKED Directors and ask about the sense of having people who cover up Criminal Activity on the Board of a charity
And what is the relationship between Christopher Proudfoot and "The Illegal Gramophone Ring" ?
He must have known they were operating in HIS sales ?
Is he part of it ? Can you imagine the Headlines in the Antiques Trade Gazette ?
"Christie's Director Aids Gramophone Ring "
Howard Hope is a Lying, Cheating , Bully and unpleasant , slippery and pretentious - If you believe in Free Speech and decency in collecting then contact him through his Website and if you think the CLPGS is corrupt and Criminal then contact hem through their "open Forum " on their website and ask why they COVER UP FRAUD ?
Howard hope has for YEARS Bullied and Intimidated people who are NOW going to speak out !
Here is the "Phono fuhrer" with a typically Crap machine ! The "Gold fittings" are in fact "Airfix Gold no 3" and the Carrying handle is from a 1950's Dansette - Neither fact he has spotted !
Should have gone to Specsavers Howard !
(I should say that this one one of the many Pictures of himself that he misguidedly puts on his otherwise unchanging website)
Cruel people have said the chap in the photo resembles "Thames Ditton Man" and maybe the "Missing Link" - what do you think ?
Would you buy a Used Talking machine from this Man ?
Breaking news >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I was looking at the "Pnonofuhrer's sad site - full of things that are either as Mike child says "Crap" and things that actuallare not and have never been for sale and imagine my surprise - he reveals his part in an "Orchestrated Campaign against me by the Directors of the Corrupt CLPGS - I am off to see my Solicitor to complain about invasion of Privacy - you're banged to rights HH Heil Howard the Phono Fuhrer !!!!!
Howard makes some very silly accusations - mainly because he is Mad ! I have NO financial Connenction with Mr Fry I have never withdrawn ANY item just before it sells - that isn't actually possible on EBAY - that's onetrick His RING FRIEND - Mike Jones has tried - how do I know ? Howard told me !
He also told me that MIKE JONES (whizzbang 2008 on Ebay) gets his son TONY JONES to bid his items up - how do I know - HOWARD TOLD ME - especially in the case of the HMV SHERATON GRAND later sold to HOWARD HOPE !
What about the CORSHAM 203 Howard ? - sold by Gardiner Houlgate for £1500 to the RING then photographed in DAVE SMITH'S HENDON SHOP and advertised for sale on HOWARD HOPE'S WEBSITE !!!!
YET Mike jones was offering it for £6500, Howard Hope for £8K and Dave Smith for £8500 !
Mike Child (Soundgen on ebay and the makers of the first Crapophones) Tells me most CLPGS members won't sell Howard anything as it's too much hassle - they prefer to sell for less to a Dutchman called Ko !
Howard mentions "HMRC" - Howard - perhaps you could tell me which section on the "self assessment form" is entitled :
"Income derived from ILLEGAL RING activities " ?
As I haven't yet seen it - CAN you be taxed on Illegal activities - they didn't when I worked for them "
VIEWERS PLEASE NOTE : If you do Business with Howard Hope, or the Corrupt CLPGS (who are in fact a lot of senile, doddery old men who do whatever Howard Bullys them into) YOU will be Named, YOU will be Hassled, YOUR Friends will be hassled by Howard Hope and the Corrupt CLPGS
Best Avoid Howard Hope !
I shall be sending a Link to this BLOG to ALL CLPGS members in the 2009 Membership list and posting it to all the relevant authorities !
The "Colonel" continues to write .......................................
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